good steward firm

The purpose of this writing is to serve both as a vision statement for L Jennings Law and as guiding principles for those looking to be good stewards of wealth through estate planning.

The baseline belief – There is a purpose behind estate planning and why families should pursue it. It is more than just a set of legal documents designed to save taxes or avoid a headache.

Estate planning is a noble and biblical calling that when done right, can fulfill a portion of God’s design for his heirs and the family unit.

Where do we start? I remember a quote from the Steve Prefontaine biopic, “Without Limits.”

Bill Bowerman, the founder of Nike said: “Running, one might say, is an absurd past-time upon which to be exhausting ourselves. But if you can find meaning, in the kind of running you have to do to stay on this team, chances are you will be able to find meaning in another absurd past-time: Life.”

That is the center of what I set out to do with this mission statement and creating L Jennings Law.

Proverbs 19:5 – The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.

We love a purpose. We live for a purpose. A purpose in life can be hard to find, but when it is found, it has so much depth that we can’t help but live with passion. Purpose needs to infiltrate our work and our personal life. I knew if I can find purpose in my work as an attorney, I can instill that purpose in my employees and staff who in turn will truly help the needs of our clients. A shared purpose creates unity. A united people can have a much bigger impact than one man Alone.

Romans 8:28 – and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

What is that purpose? How is estate planning a noble calling?

Let’s look at four guiding principles:

1. Estate Planning is Purposeful

2. Generational Living is Biblical

3. Good Stewardship is Noble

4. The Last Act Sets An Example

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